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As a student at the University of Florida, I engaged in many unique internationally focused activities that gave me valuable skills. These skills included archeological field skills, analytical thinking, adaptability, and communication.

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Archeological Field Skills

Despite extensive study and research of archeological practices within the anthropology courses I'd taken at UF, there is no better way to learn techniques and field skills than by participating in an excavation. To confidently conduct myself within a field setting, I needed to commit myself to the labor of a dig. I studied abroad in Peru through an archeological field school program to gain the practical field skills that would be required of me in a career as an anthropologist who deals with artifacts. It was a lifechanging experience that I am thankful to have had.

Analytical Thinking

As I started to learn more about the demands of careers in academic settings, I started to understand the importance of gaining some experience in research. Volunteering in the Peruvian archeological labs at UF inspired me to conduct my undergraduate honors thesis on the morphology and decoration techniques of ceramic artifacts recently excavated from the Virú civilization. This experience prompted me to analyze and interpret samples of artifacts from two different archeological sites and coordinate with my supervisor to establish my research in a publishable manner.


While navigating spaces that speak different languages or have different social customs, adapting to your environment is necessary for safety and enjoyment. In the past, I often lacked confidence or questioned my judgment when thrust into uncomfortable social settings. Studying abroad in two different places, Peru and the UK, bolstered my confidence in myself and gave me a great sense of independence. I learned that, so long as I was confident in my abilities and kept an open mind, I could adapt to new spaces and places with ease.


Communication is an essential skill that requires practice and patience. Even so, good communication varies between professional, casual, and foreign social settings. Joining different organizations, conducting research, and working within teams all gave me experience in communicating and collaborating with my peers to reach a common goal. As a result, I have learned more efficient ways of communicating that achieve both clarity that suit the demands my environment.

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