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Sabrina Khanam Yeahia

From a young age, I always understood that my experience was different from that of many of my peers. Although I was born and raised in the United States, I came from an immigrant household with a culture vastly different from what I observed around me. These variances nurtured a boundless curiosity that has significantly shaped the way I interact with the world today.


I've navigated much of my life with two fundamental questions in mind:

  • How do people experience the world?

  • How are diverse stories told?

  • ​

As a student at the University of Florida, I explored these questions in ways I never could have before. I delved into the study of various cultures and regions, both contemporary and ancient. Learning to weave together diverse narratives drew me to develop a deep appreciation for museums.


I am a recent graduate of the University of Florida, holding a degree in Anthropology with minors in Classical Studies and English. Additionally, I earned certificates in Geospatial Information Analysis and Medical Anthropology. I aspire to contribute to ensuring that a diverse range of stories and experiences find their voice. I plan to pursue further education and gradually work my way into the museum field, ensuring that information and research on cultures and communities are readily accessible to the public. I aim to celebrate and promote diversity in thought and experience.

This portfolio serves as an extension of my work with the International Scholars Program at the University of Florida, which fosters diversity in thought by promoting global perspectives.


Click below to view my resume.

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